Weekdone Leadership Academy #25: The Changing World of Leadership

As leaders we live interesting times. Everything's we've got to know and consider important is changing. Forbes calls for the end of Employee Engagement. Sameer Patel says performance management must be disrupted. Efficiency in management is being replaced by responsiveness. Read it all below.

Successful Leaders Keep Their Employees From Leaving

Successful Leaders Keep Their Employees From Leaving

The best that you can do is make sure your employees know what and why they are doing, give them feedback and encourage them any way possible.
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Letting Go of Efficiency Can Accelerate Your Company - Here's How

Letting Go of Efficiency Can Accelerate Your Company - Here's How

The traditional leadership model of efficiency is being replaced by responsiveness. Thoughts by Adam Pisoni, co-founder and CTO of Yammer. Continue reading

How to Set and Align Team Goals? Use Hierarchical OKRs.

How to Set and Align Team Goals? Use Hierarchical OKRs.

Let us show how to correctly build a linked hierarchy of company, team and personal objectives, using features just launched by Weekdone.
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The End of Employee Engagement?

The End of Employee Engagement?

That's right. The age of “employee engagement” may be nearing its end, says Forbes.
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Dustin Moskovitz shares his lessons on leadership

Dustin Moskovitz shares his lessons on leadership

A chat with the founder of Asana on how to be a better leader.
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Collaboration Is What Makes a Great Leader

Collaboration Is What Makes a Great Leader

Don't forget: the fastest way to destroy a team is to let everyone run off on different directions.
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Must-Have Management Techniques for First-Time Managers

Must-Have Management Techniques for First-Time Managers

Is it your first time of leading a team? Learn the best practices of getting started.
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3 Things Why Employee Feedback Fails

3 Things Why Employee Feedback Fails

Be it asking for weekly feedback or conducting annual surveys, there are tricks to do it well.
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Why Performance Management Needs to be Disrupted

Why Performance Management Needs to be Disrupted

Sameer Patel on how employee performance can be the most soul-sucking activity.
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The Importance of Benevolent Dictators

The Importance of Benevolent Dictators

Leaders need to be respected, not loved, says VC Mark Suster.
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24 Ways to Stay Motivated and Boost Your Productivity as Entrepreneur

24 Ways to Stay Motivated and Boost Your Productivity as Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship can be overwhelming. But it's an illusion. Learn why.
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4 Effective Internal Communications Techniques

4 Effective Internal Communications Techniques

You have expectations for your employees, but do your employees know what they are?
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How Elon Musk Schedules a Typical Week

How Elon Musk Schedules a Typical Week

Learn how the founder of Tesla and SpaceX shuffles between Silicon Valley and LA.
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Building a Remote Culture at Help Scout

Building a Remote Culture at Help Scout

Co-founder of Help Scout on hard-earned lessons from building a remote culture.
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Quiz: Stereotypes at Meetings

Quiz: Stereotypes at Meetings

Take this fun quiz to learn what meetings personality type you are.
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