Weekdone Leadership Academy #36: Building the Perfect Team

Building perfect teams is our mission here at Weekdone. This issue shares many practical tips on how you as a leader can achieve that. Also in time for US presidential primaries we look at what can we learn from presidents regarding productivity. Read on.

How TrendWatching Overcame Their Collaboration Challenges

How TrendWatching Overcame Their Collaboration Challenges

Running a global company is a hard task for any leader. Here's a success story how a distributed enterprise resolved their communication challenges. Read more

What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team

What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team

In the work mega-issue New York Times reimagined the office. New research reveals surprising truths about why some work groups thrive and others falter. Continue reading

How to be as Productive as US Presidents [infographic]

How to be as Productive as US Presidents [infographic]

Collection of best productivity hacks from the Presidents.
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Feedback Is The Killer App

Feedback Is The Killer App

Employee feedback apps for the corporate marketplace are powerful and disruptive.
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PPP - Know What Your Team Is Up To

PPP - Know What Your Team Is Up To

"Plans, Progress, Problems" is the easiest weekly reporting methodology imaginable.
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Meet is Murder

Meet is Murder

They’re boring. They’re useless. Everyone hates them. So why can’t we stop having meetings?
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Google Discovers Key to Teamwork is Being Nice

Google Discovers Key to Teamwork is Being Nice

Google wants to know the secret to building a more productive team.
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The Most Powerful Lesson in Business

The Most Powerful Lesson in Business

Mike McCue, CEO of Flipboard, on how to lead by first principles when everything is at stake.
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10 Ways to Be More Efficient at Work

10 Ways to Be More Efficient at Work

We gathered 10 best ways to get more done at work.
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The Measure of a Man

The Measure of a Man

Reports of the death of performance reviews are exaggerated
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Spreading People Management Skills

Spreading People Management Skills

How to teach leadership and management to others in your company.
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Telling a Good Story Is Everything

Telling a Good Story Is Everything

GM of Vine shares his 25 lessons learned in leadership.
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