Weekdone Leadership Academy #51: Bullseye

Managing your goals without setting priorities is like shooting randomly and calling whatever you hit the target. Weekdone makes sure you are aiming in the right direction. Here are the hand-picked articles to help you along the way.

You Which Business Goals Are Worth Going After?

Which Business Goals Are Worth Going After?

We are trying to too many things for too many people. STOP! Read more

Why Can't This Be Done Sooner?

Why Can't This Be Done Sooner?

Former President of Google Enterprise Apps teaches you the habit of speed.
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How to Avoid Common Goal-Setting Problems

How to Avoid Common Goal-Setting Problems

You probably haven't achieved all of your goals and that's okay.
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Science Behind Building a Perfect Team

Science Behind Building a Perfect Team

Employee matchmaking. The article teaches you how to build high-performance teams.
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How to Have Difficult Conversations

How to Have Difficult Conversations

Nobody likes conflict. Here are some great strategies to deal with such a situation.
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If it Doesn't Suck, It's Not Worth Doing

If it Doesn't Suck, It's Not Worth Doing

When something sucks, most people quit. Here is how you should deal with it.
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Emotional Leadership

Emotional Leadership

Leaders craft such a solid professional persona that they fail to connect with others.
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Breaks Improve Productivity

Breaks Improve Productivity

Normal breaks tend to lower productivity, but unexpected downtime has the opposite effect.
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Restorative Vacation

Restorative Vacation

What is it about some vacations that make us ready to be our most productive selves again?
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Nobody Cares How Hard You Work

Nobody Cares How Hard You Work

Will we ever decouple perceived effort and long hours with our rewards system?
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How Trump, Kennedy and Musk Set Goals

How Trump, Kennedy and Musk Set Goals

There are leaders with many different goal setting styles. Which one are you?
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Why You Should Do Deep Work

Why You Should Do Deep Work

We need unfragmented periods of distraction-free concentration. Deep work checklist.
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