Weekdone Leadership Academy #92:
Leaders Need Rest Too

Take a break and check your mental health. Take your family on vacation not your team.

OKRs vs MBOs

OKRs vs MBOs

MBOs are a headache and just keep a strict eye on managers whereas OKRs are done together as a team. Don't obsess over performance. Instead, focus on the journey toward your goals - relieve some stress with OKRs.

The Vacation Strategy: How Taking Time Off Helps Develop Your Company's Leaders

The Vacation Strategy: How Taking Time Off Helps Develop Your Company's Leaders

When you plan your vacation time intelligently, it can be a huge win-win: time to relax and refresh for you, and an opportunity for your team to develop their leadership skills.
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When Executives Burn Out

When Executives Burn Out

Burnout: it can happen to anyone. This article was originally published in May–June 1981, and it won second place in that year’s McKinsey Awards.
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OKRs vs MBOs

OKRs vs MBOs

MBOs are a headache and just keep a strict eye on managers, whereas OKRs are done together as a team; helping take the burden off of performance.
We’re Shutting Down the Entire Company for a Full Week—Here’s Why

We’re Shutting Down the Entire Company for a Full Week—Here’s Why

The pandemic reminded us how important mental health is. So we’re making big moves to support our people—including a company-wide week off.
OKR Ideation Template

OKR Ideation Template

Take a look at the template we use to help draft great OKRs. Download it now and have your team draft some ideas for Q3.

Learn how other companies benefit from Weekdone goal setting — Insights and examples.

Weekdone helps you set structured goals to align activities throughout your organization. Track weekly progress, provide feedback, and move everyone in a unified direction.

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