“ Weekdone is one of the maps or compasses I use to determine where I should focus my time to help the team and company be successful. ”
Weekdone OKRs is a perfect template for setting SMART goals on a personal, team and company level.
Free for 3 users or 15 days. No credit card required.
S | Specific | Easy to understand and clear |
M | Measurable | Understandable KPIs |
A | Achivable | Realistic |
R | Relevant | Important for your team |
T | Time-bound | Have a clear timeline. |
Objectives and Key Results - used by Google, Linkedin, Intel, Zynga, Oracle, Twitter and Sears among others - are is a perfect template to use with SMART goals.
It improves employee focus, productivity and transparency in teams. Your company will move as one toward unified goals, getting done what's most important.
Everyone, even our CEO, is happy to answer your questions & get you started. Contact us on live chat or write to hello@weekdone.com — average 2 hour response time.
Discover your superpowers at work
Free for up to 3 users. Receive a 15 day free trial when you add more than 3 users. No credit card required.