Start free. Go premium when you’re ready.
Free for up to 3 users.
14 day free trial for 4 or more users. No credit card required.
How many people in your company?
OKR Coaching & Support
Your personal dedicated OKR Coach
Live Chat support
Account set up and onboarding
Team trainings
Live Webinars
Personalized quarterly OKR reviews
Unlimited sessions customized to your needs
Core Features
OKRs and weekly planning
Conversations, Feedback, and Recognition (CFR)
Clear dashboards and progress breakdowns by user
True OKR alignment (top down or bottom up)
Company TV Dashboards and Custom Reports
Slack & Microsoft Teams
Jira & Asana
Google Tasks
Over 1,500+ integrations through Zapier
SSO possibility
Custom API access

Let’s take the journey together
Pricing FAQ
Yes, free for up to three users. The account is 100% fully functional and you have access to all included features.
Your data remains accessible while you use Weekdone. If you stop using Weekdone, you can request to have your data deleted and we will remove all data from the Weekdone account. We comply with GDPR data protection regulations for the handling and anonymization of personal data.
Once you have more than 3 users, you will enter a 14 day free trial. You can add as many users as you like during your trial. After your 14 days you can enter a paid subscription to continue usage.
Yes! All are included. You can read about all the features here. The free package for up to 3 users also contains all features.
We are fully GDPR compliant and our data is stored in the EU. We can provide a DPA on request. Read more on our security.
Yes! We know that transitioning to OKRs can be challenging. For that, we provide live help and training in addition to our live chars and instruction materials to personally get you and your company onboarded. Read about everything included here.
We have a full learning center for leaders, managers, and users of Weekdone. Support is not just limited to admins, but you can also schedule a live web conference call or training with our experienced OKR coaches or onboarding staff for your entire team.
Don’t fear surprise price hikes, we have per user pricing which decreases per user as you grow. You can also change from a monthly to annual plan at any time to save 20%, two months free!
We have a live support accessible for all users. Feel free to reach out at any time. For any additional questions email us at or send us a message on our Support Chat below.