Team Compass navigation is grouped to 5 distinct sections.
- Menubar
- Sidebar
- Navbar
- Header
- Content
- Menubar – ALWAYS visible, NEVER changes content. Active state highlighted in blue.
- TOP – Access different Team Compass sections: Home, Projects, Newsfeed.
- BOTTOM – access Support Chat with live customer support, and Help materials related to current view.
- Sidebar – ALWAYS visible, changes content based on Menubar (1) state. Active state highlighted in blue.
- Access Company, Departments, Teams, People while in specific dashboard (1.a).
- Access different settings while in Settings.
- Navbar – ALWAYS visible, changes only the title based on Menubar (1) selection.
- LEFT – Toggle sidebar (2) visibility, Home button, Search
- RIGHT – Quick Add button, information related to you: weekly expectations, notifications, profile dropdown
- Header – changes based on view. Contains information about:
- CENTER – where you are.
- RIGHT – tools, actions and filters for the view.
- Content – area where all your main interactions with data take place.
From the Menubar, you can navigate different sections of Team Compass:
- Home
- Main section that covers every feature from Weekly Planning, Projects and Quarterly Objectives to 5-Point Ratings and 1:1 discussions. This will be mainly used and includes all information on all levels.
- Projects
- Dedicated section for adding, editing and updating progress on different Projects on all levels.
- Newsfeed
- Newsfeed in Team Compass is comparable to the feed you might find on social media platforms. It is the place where every update and new added item will be displayed. Newsfeed is also the place where company-wide announcements can be made and read.
At the bottom of the Menubar, access Support Chat and Help sections:
- Live Support Chat with real people
- We usually respond in a few hours
- Help materials such as Getting Started Guide, Quick Setup, Help & FAQ articles.
From the Sidebar, you can access:
- Searching for a specific person or team
- Your Weekly Planning page
- Your favourites
- TIP: Add favourites from the header (4) after the page heading, while in any sidebar (2) view
- Recently active users
- Everyone in your organization: company, departments, teams, and individuals.
- Adding new teams
- Inviting new people to your Team Compass account
From the Navbar, you can access:
- Toggling Sidebar (2)
- This will hide or show the sidebar, giving more room to content
- Home button
- You can customize your Homepage from Your account settings
- Search
- Quick Add
- Weekly Expectations
- Your Notifications
- Your account dropdown menu
- Settings
- Help
- Upgrade
- Sign out
From the Header, based on the active view, you can find the following:

- Page title – Company, Department, Team or Person name while in any menubar (1) view
- Add them to your sidebar (2) Favourites from the star icon after the name
- Content (5) grouping and ordering
- Switch the tabs under page title to show content on:
- By Users
- By Categories
- By #Tags
- By Objectives
- Tree
- Hierarchy
- When you’re on the Newsfeed section, you can switch content to show:
- Everything in Newsfeed
- Weekly items updates
- Quarterly items updates
- Newsfeed Messages
- Switch the tabs under page title to show content on:
- Filter – customizing what content (5) you see, including:
- Hiding dashboards
- Showing items from only some categories
- Showing items by only some status types, flags or progress ranges
- Hiding comments
- Export – downloading the page content (5) in different formats
- View period – for indicating active time period and switching it
In the Content area, you can see: every Team Compass view based on Menubar (1), Sidebar (2) and Header (4) selections, including but not limited to:
- Your Weekly Planning (PPP) form
- Quarterly Objectives
- Initiatives
- Dashboards
- Newsfeed information
- and much more